Western CPE Course Catalog

Western CPE has hundreds of courses available for purchase. The course catalog is a one page application to easily browse courses.

As the central component of the website, it is one view that links to hundreds of courses and needed to perform in terms of usability, flexibility and SEO.

The catalog was built as a JavaScript centric application using api services and Handlebars templates. Filters that update with adjacent api requests to limit options based on results and a comprehensive search were included. Various views (grid, list, calendar) were included to provide customization based on user preference and catalog placement. Page state was prioritized to allow for browser history and perma-links. A "hijax" approach to enable SEO spiders to access the complete course list and their corresponding links to courses ensured that the ajax nature of the catalog did not compromise search engine indexing.

The course catalog is a one page application that allows customers to do their own filtering as well as targeted filters for specific purpose, for example: instructor pages include their courses on their instructor pages with the same catalog view. It is the portal by which the majority of customers find and buy their CPE.